28 Jul 2017

Drinks to combat the heat

Drinking in the summer, when the heat does not spare anyone, you know, it’s very important.
But it is also essential to know what to drink, to get the greatest relief possible, both momentary, given by freshness, both in the long term, for the presence of vitamins, minerals and other important substances to be integrated when summer heat is the master .

The summer drinks par excellence

A granita, an ice cream, a cold drink are definitely instinctive ideas and welcome to feel better, fight the heat and regain some energy.

But we are sure that even a cold beer can do for us with temperatures so high?

In fact, alcohol and sparkling drinks, even non-alcoholic, are not highly recommended in these cases: the first because they risk giving back, in a short time, the opposite effect (heat that “rises” after the instant initial beneficial sensation), the latter because in most cases, they are full of added sugars.

Fruit and vegetables are not only excellent foods to eat for lunch, dinner and snacks, but also excellent ingredients to prepare fresh, light, natural and invigorating summer drinks!

Combining everything with water, milk, even rice, soy or almond, perhaps mixing everything with cubes or ice grains, the result will be perfect: smoothies / centrifuged all health, rich in essential elements to integrate vitamins and salts minerals and, at the same time, cool off.

Of course, even simple orange, grapefruit or lemonade juices lend themselves well to the cause, containing large quantities of Vitamin C, a precious ally of health, in these periods more than ever!

For the sweet tooth, however, by joining the ice cream to the mixture you will get excellent milkshakes; others can also use simple low-fat yogurt!

Here are some ideas to get good combinations for the palate and the organism:

  • Orange and chard;
  • Carrots and ginger;
  • Carcadè and raspberry;
  • Celery and grapes;
  • Apple, watermelon, peach, lemon juice and ginger.