09 May 2020

How will be the reopening of the bars

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Rome on April 26th

We are all waiting to be able to return to the bar, to enjoy our beloved espresso, to live that daily act of social sharing than to drink a coffee offered. The bars, in fact, are the ideal place to cultivate and cultivate relationships with others and express one’s personality. There are many facets, from an anthropological-social point of view, that it would be interesting to analyze. What is probably interesting today is to understand how the way of having coffee at the “post-coronavirus” bar will change (if it will change). Certainly the danger of contagion (albeit reduced) still remains and the institutions insist on keeping the measures for its containment high (personal protections, social distancing, frequent cleaning, etc.).

Many owners of coffee shops (but also of restaurants and pizzerias) these days on their social networks are communicating that it will not be possible to reopen their activities. The two months of forced stop have frayed a social and economic fabric that has been stratified over the years and created “normalcy”, the life we ​​know. The forecasts are not the most encouraging: few customers, no tourists and many customers afraid to enter the premises. The scarcity of money and the physical distances between patrons will penalize the influence in the bars. The managers, for their part, must reduce the tables to ensure the distance between patrons and regulate access to the counter. In this context, it is necessary to guarantee reduced revenues and business closures.

Changes frighten and crises frighten. At the same time, however, we must also evaluate the other half of the coin. As Einstein said: “the crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations because the crisis brings progress; […] It is in the crisis that inventiveness, discoveries, great strategies arise; those who overcome the crisis overcome themselves without being overcome ”.

It is to be hoped that the father of modern physics is right for the umpteenth time and that the market and habits will evolve positively and that having coffee at the bar will still be a gesture of our daily life. What we know for sure is that Italians are included with great fortitude, courage and inventiveness and that they will be able to overcome this crisis too, with a social improvement. So strength, courage and positivity: these three keys to overcome this dramatic moment. It has from passà to nuttata