04 Oct 2018

Security guards and Neapolitan coffee

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Il Roma of 30 September 2018

The coffee accompanies the Neapolitan in the course of the day constituting the pause for excellence, the indispensable energizer to better face the hours of work or study, at home and on the street, alone or in company. Some jobs, then, require particular promptness, clarity and attention; for those who make them coffee is a fundamental support. We think of the security guards, chosen professionals who protect the assets entrusted to him, risking not a little, especially in reality like ours, alas, where delinquency is nothing at all a rarity.

Intrigued by deepening the relationship between these guardians of other assets and our national drink, I went to the Union Security in Giugliano in Campania of dr. Valerio Iovinella, institute that counts more than 300 employees and shines for the quality of services and results.

I chatted so with Mr. Giuseppe Piezzo, a security guard, submitting some questions to him.

  1. D) How many years have you been working for this company and what activity does it do?
  2.  R) I have been working in this company for 18 years and one of my activities is the mobile service in the car. We are two and our task is to protect the assets of customers


  1. Drinking coffee is important for the type of work it does?
  2. R) Of course! We have always with us in the car a thermos containing precisely coffee that helps us to deal with our difficult work and, especially at night, is a valuable ally to fight crime;


  1. Q) Can you tell us some anecdote about your work and coffee?
  2. A) A few weeks ago I was on duty at night when from the station they asked me to take me urgently to a client because three armed thugs were trying to force entry. At the precise moment of the alarm call, I was with my colleague to drink the long-awaited coffee. I could not, of course, because we immediately activated to reach the marked place, where, I say it with pride, we foiled the attempted theft. Our customer has complimented us, expressing gratitude and gratitude and … offering us a great coffee that, of course, after the action could certainly not miss!


  1. Q) How many coffees do you drink during working hours?
  2. R) Personally 3 or 4 during my work shift but some colleagues also more than five. Coffee helps us to stay alert, to support us, but also to relax creating, drinking, a pleasant moment of pause.

Among the managers I interviewed the body officer Leopoldo Siena.

  1. D) You are dealing with exactly?
  2. R) My job consists in coordinating and supervising a team of over 40 units: firstly I manage shifts and problems; moreover I personally take care to check if the men entrusted to me carry out their duties with efficiency, seriousness and maximum respect towards the client;


  1. Q) Is it important for you to drink coffee during your work?
  2. R) Definitely. Among my duties is also to conclude contracts with new customers and establish with them the control methods best suited to the type of asset to be protected. The cup of coffee is the inevitable accompaniment of these talks, it is the best system “to break the ice” with customers, old and new.


  1. Q) So, for your work, coffee is essential?
  2. R) I can say that it is the best partner to “close” the contracts, my precious ally, to whom I would not give up for all the gold in the world.

In short, the experience made at the security and security company acclaimed me has confirmed how our infused black is important for those who perform delicate tasks and, once again, that can not be defined as a simple drink, but the catalyst of the best energy psychophysical.