18 Oct 2016

The twinning Naples – Emmendingen

article by Mister Gambrinus

There is a special link between the Gran Caffè Gambrinus and the most authentic Germany, starting with the name; in fact Gambrinus is according to legend the inventor as well as the protector of beer!
And this ideological link was the spark for the twinning between the city of Naples and that of Emmendingen, thanks also to the friendship between Arturo Sergio, administrator of our Gran Caffè, and Oscar Guidone, councilor for culture of the municipality of Emmendingen, native of Torre Annunziata but transplanted in Germany for over 40 years.

On October 31st to seal this union we are pleased to invite you to the Gran Caffè Gambrinus for the celebrations of this special event.
For the occasion, even the small musical orchestra composed of 25 members called “Black Forest Tigers” will come from the Black Forest.


There will also be the masters Ettore Squillace and Mario Aterrano. The godmother of the event will be Professor Ursula Stumpe-Lockheimer, who about a year ago decided to face a long drive from Germany to Naples with the sole purpose of donating to our restaurant a beautiful and historic wooden statue representing King Gambrinus.

Ursula did not personally know the owners of the same but the gift was made, as then she confessed “only and only” for the love of the city of Naples. It will, of course, be a beer party with lots of sausages and chips.

How to participate?
Participating in this important event for the city of Naples is very simple, just send an email to: info@grancaffegambrinus.com
or call the dott. Giuseppe Giorgio, head of our press office at 347 31 73 556