13 Apr 2019

Coffee Rocher

Article written by Michele Sergio and published in Rome on 07 April 2019

Among the many Neapolitan gourmet coffees that can usually be tasted in the bars and cafes of our city, one of the most appreciated is Rocher coffee. Who favors it for the winking crunchiness of the hazelnut grain, that for the sweetness of the chocolate, who, finally – and this is the real reason for the success of this special coffee – for the balanced and exhilarating taste obtained from the union of the various ingredients with Neapolitan espresso, strong, intense and decisive.

Let’s see, then, how this gourmet is made that you can also prepare at home with excellent results.

Ingredients: white chocolate, hazelnut paste, chopped hazelnuts, sugar cream sauce and, of course, Neapolitan coffee.

As for the preliminary preparation, the bases must be completed.

For coffee, the coffee machine or coffee machines for pods or capsules are fine.

The sugar creamy sauce is made by mixing the first drops of coffee, the denser ones, with the sugar in a briquette. The proportion to be respected is one (teaspoon of coffee) to 2 (teaspoons of sugar). The creamy sauce is ready when it takes on a creamy density and a light brown color.

Prepare the hazelnut paste by pouring a food processor gr. 200 of shelled and toasted hazelnuts and cl. 50 of sunflower oil, then blend for 2-3 minutes until a creamy mixture is obtained.

We then move on to the composition of coffee. A part of the inner wall and the edge of an elongated glass (coffee) glass are coated with white chocolate. The glass is turned upside down and dipped in the chopped hazelnuts prepared in a dish to adhere to it, thus also creating a nice and elegant decoration. Pour the hazelnut paste on the other side of the inner wall of the glass. Finally, pour the cream of sugar and the coffee.

All that remains is to enjoy this refined and elegant gluttony!